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search in city: Opelika
Companies USA Companies in the state of Alabama
Cataloxy Opelika...Companies in OpelikaConstructionBuilding industryRoofing and wall cladding contractorsCmc Siding & Contracting

Cmc Siding & Contracting

CMC Siding and contracting started in 1996 under the direction of Clay Cardone in the Auburn Opelika area. Although his experience in the field stretched back to 1990. He has a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Auburn, AL. CMC Siding offer a wide verity of quality products in residential repair and contracting. Premium Siding, Overhangs and Trim, Replacement Windows, Guttering, Residential Construction. CMC Siding specializes in all types of vinyl, wood and fiber cement siding, vinyl soffit and aluminum trim, fiber cement soffit and trim, energy efficient vinyl and aluminum cladded replacement windows, seamless aluminum gutters of many size and shape, and residential construction.

Roofing Contractors

Executives of Cmc Siding & Contracting:
Owner, Clay Cardone

Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) :

Although our experience in the construction industry dates back prior to 1990, CMC Siding & Contracting began serving Auburn-Opelika and the surrounding community in 1996 under the direction of Clay M. Cardone, an Auburn University Alumni. CMC Siding & Contracting offers a wide variety of quality products and services in residential construction and renovations.
We specialize in all types of vinyl, wood and fiber cement siding, vinyl soffit and aluminum trim, fiber cement soffit and trim, energy efficient vinyl and aluminum cladded replacement windows, seamless aluminum gutters of many size and shape, and residential construction.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Cmc Siding & Contracting in Opelika you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1948

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 Address: 2306 Cunningham Dr
Opelika, Alabama

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Cmc Siding & Contracting address

2306 Cunningham Dr
Phone: 334-745-0038, (334)728-0400

Cmc Siding & Contracting address

Po Box 1668
Phone: 334-745-0038, (334)728-0400

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Category of Cmc Siding & Contracting:


alco, overhangs, trim, replacement windows, georgia, installation, vimeo, gutters, cemplank
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